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About Cloud Pathfinder Consulting


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Get in touch with Cloud Pathfinder today

If you're feeling lost in the world of Salesforce, don't worry, we've got your back. Get in touch with us to learn how we can help you:

  • Get a grip on Salesforce, making you go from feeling accidental to being in charge.
  • Find the help and advice you need to make smart moves and keep things running smoothly.
  • Work faster and smarter, so you can handle tasks and projects like a pro.
  • Really get what Salesforce can do, so you can make it work wonders for your team.
  • Make your team's work life better and more productive, with less stress and more wins.

We're here to help folks just like you, the Accidental Admins, find your feet and shine in the Salesforce world. Let's work together to make your job easier and more fun.



Our Commitment


Cloud Pathfinder Consulting is a proud member of Pledge 1%

Pledge 1% is a corporate philanthropy movement dedicated to making the community a key stakeholder in every business. Spearheaded by Atlassian, Rally, Salesforce and Tides, Pledge 1% empowers companies to donate 1% of product, 1% of equity, 1% of profit or 1% of employee time to improve communities around the world. By pledging 1% of its employee time, Cloud Pathfinder Consulting is demonstrating its commitment to philanthropic leadership. 



" Companies can do more than just make money, they can serve others." - Marc Benioff, Chairman & CEO, Salesforce

Get in touch with Cloud Pathfinder today

If you're feeling lost in the world of Salesforce, don't worry, we've got your back. Get in touch with us to learn how we can help you:

  • Get a grip on Salesforce, making you go from feeling accidental to being in charge.
  • Find the help and advice you need to make smart moves and keep things running smoothly.
  • Work faster and smarter, so you can handle tasks and projects like a pro.
  • Really get what Salesforce can do, so you can make it work wonders for your team.
  • Make your team's work life better and more productive, with less stress and more wins.

We're here to help folks just like you, the Accidental Admins, find your feet and shine in the Salesforce world. Let's work together to make your job easier and more fun.