
How to Search for Salesforce Help: A Beginner's Guide

Written by Jesse Grothaus | Feb 24, 2024 12:39:28 AM

Salesforce is a robust platform with myriad features, and mastering it involves more than just exploring and clicking around till you find the right button. It requires learning, patience, and sometimes, a bit of guidance from the experts. Whether you're a first-time Salesforce user or looking to deepen your knowledge, the art of effective help-seeking can significantly accelerate your understanding and productivity. This guide equips you with strategies to find the information you need quickly and interact meaningfully with the vibrant Salesforce community.

Finding Help Resources

Salesforce offers vast resources tailor-made for users seeking assistance. Starting with their own database ensures reliability and alignment with the platform's technical specifications.

Salesforce Help & Training

The Salesforce Help & Training portal is the go-to starting point for any Salesforce user. It's a treasure trove of guided learning paths, interactive tutorials, and all-encompassing Help articles. The platform is designed to cater to various learning styles, from visual learners who may benefit from videos to those who learn best through documentation and practice in a training environment.

Trailblazer Community

The Trailblazer Community is a dynamic space where users interact and share their experiences with the platform. Here, you'll find different groups and learn about the success stories of fellow Salesforce users through 'Trailblazers'—the users themselves who have overcome the same hurdles you might encounter.

Documentation & Knowledge Base

The official Salesforce Documentation and Knowledge Base are extensive. They are the single source of truth for the Salesforce platform and are updated regularly to reflect the latest information. This resource is exceptionally reliable and outlines use cases, explains features, and provides step-by-step instructions.

To find these documents, we recommend a Google search for whatever cloud product you're using + "Implementation Guide"

For example, if you're having trouble with Sales Cloud, search for "Salesforce Sales Cloud implementation guide" to find the official implementation guidance documents that can help with best practices.


Trailhead is a self-paced learning platform that you can use to learn how to set up Salesforce. There are set learning paths you can start on or search for your particular problem in the search bar.

Utilizing Search Engines

In many cases, a well-crafted search query is all it takes to find the specific help you need. The key here is not just in typing words but in understanding how to structure the search for maximum effectiveness.

Effective Search Queries

When you need help, the way you phrase your search query can be the difference between finding a helpful answer and sifting through thousands of irrelevant results. Start by focusing on specific keywords that capture the essence of your problem. For instance, instead of searching for 'Salesforce reports,' search for 'how to create a custom report type in Salesforce.'

Filters and Parameters for Precise Results

Most search engines provide filters to narrow down results by type, date, and relevance. Use these to your advantage. If you want to restrict results to the last year, set the date filter accordingly. Consider using quotation marks for exact phrases and the minus sign to exclude terms, which can focus your search further.

Engaging with the Community

The Salesforce Trailblazer Community is a powerhouse of knowledge and support. Engaging with it can connect you to a wide range of users and experts who can offer hands-on advice and personal insights.

Posting Questions

Be thoughtful when posting questions in the community. Provide context, explain what you've tried, and be specific about the assistance you're seeking. A clear and well-structured question is more likely to garner helpful responses. Remember, the community is filled with people who are volunteering their time, so respect their efforts and expect to show gratitude for their help.

Participating in Forums and Groups

Participation is a two-way street. As you receive help, consider offering assistance where you can. The more active you are in the community, the more you'll build relationships and be seen as a valuable part of the ecosystem. Participating in forums and groups not only strengthens your network but also deepens your understanding of the Salesforce platform as you explore and discuss various topics.

Utilizing Social Media

Social media platforms are not just for leisure; they are powerful tools for professional networking and information sharing, including Salesforce-related content.

Following Salesforce Influencers

Salesforce has a wealth of influencers—those who are well-versed in the intricacies of the platform and share their knowledge openly. By following these influencers on platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn, you can stay updated with the latest Salesforce trends, updates, and even participate in live discussions or Q&A sessions.

Salesforce Ben has a great article on the top influencers in the community.

Joining Relevant LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn is another valuable hub for professional networking and knowledge sharing. Joining Salesforce-specific groups on LinkedIn enables you to connect with other users, join conversations, and even potentially find mentors. Be an active member, ask for help when needed, and contribute to the community to make the most of these groups.

Ask Us

It can be tough going down the Google rabbit hole, searching endlessly through help documentation, old forum posts, or random YouTube videos to find an answer to your Salesforce questions. Our clients have direct access to us via Slack, Teams, meetings, or phone calls to address needs quickly. Hop on a free diagnostic call with us to see if we can help.


Actively seeking help in Salesforce is not a sign of weakness but one of engagement and commitment to learning. The resources and communities built around the platform are there to support you on your Salesforce journey. By looking in the right places with the right approach, you're opening the door to a world of learning that will help you grow both professionally and within the Salesforce ecosystem.

Remember that learning with Salesforce is a continual path, not a destination. As you progress, use these strategies to find the help you need, and don't be afraid to engage with the community. You might be surprised by the richness of the insights and the strength of relationships you build. Happy learning, Trailblazer!